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Why Fortnite developers get "F" rating from BBB

Why Fortnite developers get "F" rating from BBB

Epic is one of the most famous game developers in 2018, thanks to Fortnite's success, especially in terms of the widespread of the game, as well as its revenue and profits of $ 3 billion and more in 2018.

However, the game has been rated "F" by the BBB of 2018, which is the lowest rating in the rating list of this institution because of the low quality of response and dealing with the problems faced by users according to statistics published by BBB, There were 279 users complain about the existence of problems in payment and the recovery of their money and some of them allegedly subjected to exploitation and spend money without his knowledge.

BBB also explained that Epic has failed to protect and secure users data, which led to the theft of money from many of them without their knowledge or consent, there are also complaints from users that there is no fast response system from the company's customer service providers and no phone numbers or quick response to their e-mail so that one of the users complained about withdrawing $ 160 in Fortnite game and after his attempts to communicate with customer services, The company didn't recover his money.

BBB or Better Business Bureau is a trusted customer protection organization approved by international courts and has an active role in assessing the performance of large companies such as Sony, Microsoft and other large companies that have a direct connection to users.

Of the 279 complaints from customers sent to Epic, only 32 responded, while the remaining complaints remained unresponsive. Epic said in response to this statement that it does not deal directly with BBB and all complaints and problems related to users are transferred directly to their support system.

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