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The director of RE2 reveals how long it takes to finish the game..

The director of RE2 reveals how long it takes to finish the game..

all of you are waiting for this game especially those who played the original version and feels the nostalgia, then you ask will it be short as rumored or what???

As we know this month, you are on a date with a game that takes you back to the roots of horror. Resident Evil 2 will launch on markets a week later, on the 25th of this month on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and finally PC.

As you know two days ago, a special event took place in the United Arab Emirates and specifically in Dubai, where both the director of the game and its product were present, the director was asked from some sources about the time necessary to finish the game and will it be short as rumored ..!

The director's answer was, of course, denied rumors that the game would be long enough as a game developed decades ago and ending with the time the player will need to end this exciting horror adventure Which Is 10 Hours.

Some might think that the game is short compared to big games like RDR 2 or AC series, for example, but before going into these comparisons, remember that the game is very old and has been developed to suit a device that can only accommodate games of very small size, I see that the ten hours more than enough to bring us back to the roots of horror, what about you ..!

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