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Confirm the return of the zombie phase in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and more coming in E3 2018 ..

Confirm the return of the zombie phase in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and more coming in E3 2018 ..

After ِActivision revealed the game Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Several weeks ago rumors began to talk about some changes that will be seen in the game, including the absence of the stage of the story and replaced with a mode similar to the games of the Battle Royal, while the mystery still covers the fate of online and zombie and today Formally but indirectly we get confirmation of the zombie phase in the game.

The E3 account on Twitter has posted a suspenseful tweet of the presence of the game at E3. Among the hints, the zombie phase has been mentioned, which is now certain to be present in the game. A team from the Treyarch studio will talk about the game and the zombie phase in particular during the E3 Coliseum sessions and there will be a live broadcast of these events.

So now we get confirmation that the zombie phase will see a new comeback in the next part of the game and we are waiting for more about the fate of the story phase and online and we may wait until next month to know more.

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