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Michael Pachter: Detroit: Become Human Will Sell Around 3-4 Million Copies

Michael Pachter: Detroit: Become Human Will Sell Around 3-4 Million Copies

Detroit: Become Human is the new storytelling and interactive game from Sony and the Quantic Dream development team, which comes exclusively to Sony PlayStation 4, a science fiction story centered around three robots.

In terms of sales, Michael Pachter does not expect the game to achieve commercial performance comparable to Uncharted 4 or Horizon: Zero Dawn:

“You know, I really like Quantic Dream,” Pachter said. “Their games are, they appeal to a certain type of gamer, they are very much a more niche style of gameplay, they’re single player only, and we’re in this era now where the single player gamer is on one side, and the multiplayer gamer is on the other. And I personally prefer single player games, but… I think we need more people making single player games."

“I’m actually looking forward to Detroit, it looks like it will be a different kind of game. I think Quantic Dream makes very dark, very thoughtful stories, but if you just want escapism, their games won’t be the best ones to play. So I’m a huge fan, and I think it will do super well, but I don’t think it’s doing 15 million units, or outselling God of War. 3-4 million units sold, which is good for a PS4 exclusive.”

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