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What If You Never Ate Fruits Or Vegetables?

What If You Never Ate Fruits Or Vegetables ???

Fruits and Vegetables are full of many vitamins, minerals and nutrients but for the sake of time, we're going to focus on some main ones, Vitamins A, B6, and C, Folic Acid, Potassium, Magnesium and antioxidants all found in produce.

so What would happen to your body if you cut all those out and became deficient? Let's go from the top down, starting at your head.

Your hair would be dry and frayed. Your eyesight may get worse and you could even lose your nighttime vision
Vitamin C deficiency can cause your gums to turn purple and you may lose some teeth.

This deficiency can also prevent wounds from healing properly so you'd likely have scabs and scars covering your body.

Mentally, depression, confusion and irritability can all surface when you're deficient in vitamin B6 and/or folic acid.

Moving down the body, a lack of potassium can lead to various heart problems, like an irregular heartbeat, and your cardiovascular system isn't the only one struggling without Fruits and Vegetables.

The gastrointestinal tract that helps you digest food would be going haywire as well. We're talking about nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Your immune system would be pretty shot due to the lack of vitamins A, B6, and C, as well as magnesium So you'd likely get sick a lot.

Your nervous system would also struggle, possibly leading to neurodegenerative diseases, which really don't sound great at all.

You'd experience muscle spasms due to a lack of potassium and magnesium.

Various, vitamins and minerals help with energy production, so if you lose those, you'd be so tired all the time.

Many fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidant phytochemicals that are believed to be anti-cancer, anti-aging and anti... a lot of other diseases.

So, without these antioxidants, you could look older and be at a higher risk of getting cancer and other various conditions.

All of these symptoms would happen at different paces for different people, depending on how else they receive these nutrients in the rest of their diet.

Some things, like vitamin C deficiency, can do some serious damage in just one month.

If you're thinking you could just make up for all these deficiencies with vitamins and supplements, it's not that easy.

While supplements may provide you with similar vitamins and minerals to those found in produce, they leave out things like fiber, flavonoids, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that all work together in fruits and vegetables to make them so healthy.

And while it may surprise you, the effectiveness of vitamins, in general, is actually quite debated in the scientific community.

One thing that's not debated, whether or not fruits and vegetables are good for you.

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source: life noggin

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