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EA reveals its expectations on ANTHEM sales

EA reveals its expectations on ANTHEM sales

EA and BioWare have put a lot of hopes on the success of ANTHEM, which will provide us with a collaborative team play experience in worlds full of new missions and challenges. There is a plan for developers to support the game with a lot of additional content and events after the release. The game has received a lot of satisfaction after the experience all have had through the demo that has been available for a limited time in the past few days.

Accordingly, during EA's financial year statement, the company's expectations of the performance of the game in global markets were revealed and the expectations are between 5 million and 6 million copies in the current fiscal year ending on March 31.

This means that the game must reach that number when it is launched on 22 February and in about 6 weeks, almost a million copies per week and it seems that the company has big hopes that the game can reach this figure in this short period and all of us also hope that the game will succeed in this, especially after the demo experience, which was satisfactory and estimated expectations, despite some technical problems that we hope to be eliminated in the final version of the game.

Do you think it will succeed in achieving the goals set by EA?

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