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The incredible things in Fort Tarsis and Gameplay - Anthem

The incredible things in Fort Tarsis and Gameplay - Anthem


Who is not excited for this game, ok first of all Fort Tarsis base is in the solo story and it will take in another level, During your progress in your mission and another Fort Tarsis is evolving and the people are living their own lives like you are in the real world and have the same timeline not stopping at one so the thing here is the reality I liked it and I have been telling my self why the producers or creators not making or reaching this point too much in their games maybe because they're depending that the game gotta get you outside your world or something else we're not talking about this now maybe this will be great if they tried to reach this point, we should talk about this point later let's just complete..

The reality being treated as an important subject here is great, you can even talk to people to not missing anything on any story elements and you have the choice to answer and making actions in the conversation you can also make relationships and friends and there are a lot of characters.

A lot of things will help you to expand your knowledge of the world, in the market place there are plenty of characters to chat with, and there is an Allies!! what is that? it's a system to reward friends for playing the game each week, missions, missions, you have to try these and talking with the character that presents them to you, there are also a daily, weekly and monthly challenges that promise rewards upon completion.

Exploring the map and opening the closed area being this mystery thing is something I have to talk about so after opening it, of course, you'll meet new characters that means more conversation more knowledge about the world, there is a bar! which always promises more DRAMA, who doesn't like it!

There are a lot of tiny cool things in this game you got to try it and tell us your opinions and the things we didn't mention when the full game launches. If your enthusiasm goes out, just go and watch the cinematic trailer I did this my self.

It's coming a few weeks from BioWare studio. The game is slated for a worldwide release for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 22, 2019.

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