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7 Exciting Things You Are Too Lazy to Google

7 Exciting Things You Are Too Lazy to Google

Why do we have goose bumps?

It turns out to be an ancient phenomenon acquired from animals. Goose bumps come from the constriction of hair follicles. In the world of animals, this helps them warm up faster. In case of a threat, a hair state helps an animal look bigger and more massive in front of an enemy. We also get goose bumps in cold weather or in emotional situations. It is the outcome of a subconscious adrenaline hormone emission.

Why don’t we recognize our voice on a recording?

The answer is in the ability of our bones to conduct sound. Your interlocutors hear only the sounds conducted by air. The record also contains only such sounds. Simultaneously, the way we hear our voices is a combination of the normal sounds and the low-frequency sounds conducted by the bones of our skulls.

Why does our skin get dark and our hair get light under the sunlight?

In both cases, the sun breaks melanin, responsible for the color of hair and skin. The difference is in the fact that hair is not living, compared to skin. When the pigment is broken, it is not replenished in hair, so the latter gets lighter. Skin "answers" to the sun with a stronger replenishment of melanin, making the color darker.

Why does the time pass more slowly for a kid? 

It is probably because a child has to remember more events. Kids are only starting to get acquainted with the surrounding world, and their memory has to collect more data. So a year "contains" more events than that of a grown-up. It is also potential that, when evaluating some situations, we try to correspond them to the time we’ve already lived through. A week for a child is a bigger part of their life than for a grown-up.

Why do we get headache when drinking cold water or eating cold food?

You probably noticed that when eating an ice cream you sometimes get a sharp headache. But maybe it happens when you breathe in the air while jogging in the park in cold weather. It is connected with quick palate vessels’ constriction or distention as a reaction to low temperatures.

Why don’t our eyes get cold when it’s freezing?

There are no temperature receptor cells in our eyes. Besides, the biggest part of the eyeball is inside the skull, and it is warmed up by the blood flow inside.

Why do we close our eyes when eating a lemon?

We probably got this reflex from our ancestors. Our eyes are closed to prevent the sour lemon juice from getting into them, which might harm the mucous membranes.

Source: https://brightside.me

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